Estudios de casos

Lightspeed Systems, an AWS Public Sector Partner, helped the Kentucky Department of Education deploy online safety solutions efficiently, protect students online, and give K–12 leaders tools to...
Overview A pioneer in 1:1 technology and online learning, Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District (ISD) relies on Lightspeed Filter™ as a critical part of its overall cybersecur...
The Challenge: Protecting 37,000 Students From Self-Harm and Cyberbullying Caddo Parish Public Schools (CPPS), serving approximately 37,000 students in northwestern Louisiana, administers...
Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay consists of 44 schools stretching from Willoughby on Sydney’s lower north shore to Lake Munmorah on the Central Coast. For over ten years, the diocese has used a...
The Challenge: Better Content Filtering and Classroom Management Software Iredell-Statesville School District (ISSD), situated in central North Carolina and serving more than 20,000 stude...
Overview With a strong focus on data governance, Fayette County Public Schools partners with Lightspeed Systems® to effectively manage their edtech ecosystem—in and outside of the classro...
Harpeth Hall school logo
Not all cloud content filters are created equal. That’s what Director of Technology Justin Dover learned when he deployed Securly at Harpeth Hall School in Nashville, Tennessee. After a few too...
Glenns Ferry School District in Idaho knows a lot about doing more with less. They have limited funding for new technology and a small IT staff, but recognize the benefits of technology: gettin...
The Challenge: 1:1 Device Filtering Off-campus Webster Central School District serves over 8,000 students, 1,800 faculty members, and has been a true 1:1 since 2017. As any K-12 Tech prof...
When Dallastown Area School District decided to initiate a 1:1 program, John Lenhart, Systems Administrator, had a few simple, but critical requirements: The devices needed to be filtered just...
The Challenge: Digital learning continuity during COVID As closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world, many schools found themselves scrambling for devices, digital curriculum,...