Hjem Produkter Lightspeed Alert Risikoidentifikasjon Lightspeed Tip Line for Schools
Lightspeed Tip Line for Schools
Forbedre sikkerheten og elevstøtten gjennom samfunnsengasjement
Every member of the school community plays a vital role in maintaining a safe and supportive environment. Offering an anonymous channel for students, teachers, staff, and parents to report concerns or threats to safety and well-being allows districts to prevent safety threats and identify students in need.
According to an article published by NPR, schools in 23 states have established anonymous tip lines serving more than five million students in grades six through 12.
Step 1
School community member submits a tip via online form, voicemail, or email.
Step 2
The tip report is reviewed by an in-house Lightspeed Safety Specialist.
Step 3
Concerning tips are forwarded using the designated escalation process.
Lightspeed Tip Line allows districts to:
- License Lyshastighetsvarsling with Human Review and implement Lightspeed Tip Line at no additional cost.
- Receive concerns anonymously via online form, phone (voicemail), or email.
- Entrust tip vetting to a team of highly trained Lightspeed sikkerhetsspesialister available 24/7/365.
- Quickly respond to concerning tips using existing district escalation processes.
- Pinpoint which school is reporting each tip based on unique URLs and QR codes.
EN Pediatri studien viste at over 18 000 tips ble sendt inn mellom 2019 og 2023. 10% involverte skytevåpen og over 100 planlagte selvmord. Innleveringene førte til over 1000 psykiske helseintervensjoner.