5단계로 더 나은 예산 구축

It’s spring, and every edtech expert knows what that means: budget review and prep for the upcoming school year. The budget planning completed this spring will determine edtech and programs for the next year, so “almost,” “maybe,” and “we think” does not cut it. Planning needs to be thorough, data-driven, and given competing priorities, efficient. We were joined by district leaders and edtech experts to discuss five steps to build a better budget plan, so every dollar is used efficiently and effectively. Watch this event to learn:
  1. 지역 전체의 사용 데이터를 신속하게 수집하는 방법.
  2. 불필요한 비용을 식별하고 제거하는 전략.
  3. 효과적인 부서 간 협업을 위한 팁.
  4. 건전한 인프라와 빠른 승인 프로세스를 위한 보안 고려 사항입니다.
  5. 권장 사항 및 자금 출처를 마무리하기 위한 모범 사례입니다.