On top of everything schools are grappling with, they’re also dealing with a sharp rise in school threats and disruptive student behavior.
To combat this, some districts are bringing together SROs and mental health services. The thought being, if districts can alleviate mental health issues, they can reduce on-campus violence and disruptive behavior.
This strategy was explored by a panel of experts, brought together by Raptor Technologies® and Lightspeed Systems®. They shared innovative ways districts around the country are making this a critical component of their intervention strategy and reducing school threats.
Learn how you can do the same. Watch the on-demand webinar now to discover:
- 지구에서는 어떤 조치를 취하고 있으며, 어떤 조치가 시행되고 있나요?
- 위험을 완화하기 위해 정신 건강 서비스와 SRO를 더 긴밀하게 연결하는 방법
- 관리되지 않는 정신 건강과 폭력 사이의 연관성과 조기 개입의 중요성.
- 예방형 프로그램 및 대비해야 할 새로운 우려 사항의 예입니다.
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