4 Ways Lightspeed Analytics™ Helps Discover Risks Outside Your SSO

4 ways lightspeed analytics school cybersecurity

Avoid the App Gap

Single sign-on (SSO) tools help education leaders manage the resources and applications that their district procures. However, relying solely on an SSO to identify the apps your students are using can have serious consequences, as they are not designed to give you the full usage picture.


Identify more unknown apps

Here are four ways district and school leaders can use Lightspeed Analytics’ real-time, intelligible data and reports to immediately discover hidden risks and opportunities outside their SSO:

1. Unknown threats

If you are solely relying on data from your SSO tool, you are missing critical data on hundreds of online apps your students are accessing that could violate data privacy policies or fall outside your curriculum pathways.

Lightspeed Analytics captures online app activity for every student, whether they are using your SSO tool or not. The system gives you full visibility and 100% assurance that you know what is being used on your district devices at all times.

2. Limited ROI analysis

Calculating your overall ROI on technology investments can be misleading if you are using limited data sets. By not seeing data outside your SSO, you miss valuable data on the expansive number of tools that your users are accessing each day. Calculating ROI only on a subset of tools may inadvertently impact your strategic decisions and be costly to your district.

The system’s data is comprehensive and presented in easy-to-use, customizable dashboards that allow you to analyze and present your data to stakeholders to make informed decisions and ensure your spending is effective.

Lightspeed Analytics captures online app activity for every student, whether they are using your SSO tool or not. The system gives you full visibility and 100% assurance that you know what is being used on your district devices at all times.

3. Missed opportunities

Lightspeed Analytics districts are discovering effective online resources by tracking the usage patterns of teachers and students. You will miss out on these golden nuggets if you cannot see what’s happening outside the limited apps contained within single sign-on reporting.

The system discovers those hidden learning app gems and brings them into the light for everyone to leverage.

4. Uplift the at-risk student

Lightspeed Analytics:

  • Unveils hundreds of online tools that districts are not aware of and fall outside of their SSO.
  • Helps minimize risks associated with students accessing unknown, unapproved applications.
  • Provides comprehensive data that enables district and school leaders to fully track ROI, ensuring they are spending budget dollars wisely and utilizing the most effective tools for their students.
  • Is an essential complement to your single sign on platform, making sure you get all the data that’s hidden in the app gaps.

The system discovers those hidden learning app gems and brings them into the light for everyone to leverage.

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