K-12 Student Safety & Wellness Guide to Suicide Prevention

image of the provided suicide prevention guide

In today’s educational landscape, where over 70% of children seek mental health support within school walls, it’s imperative that we rise to the occasion and address the pressing needs of our students. With the rise of student-issued devices and the shift towards online learning, schools must adapt their strategies for promoting safety and well-being, both in physical classrooms and digital spaces.

Tragically, suicide remains the second leading cause of death for individuals aged 10 to 24, underscoring the urgent need for proactive measures and compassionate outreach. Our guide is designed to equip school personnel with essential knowledge and actionable strategies to combat this crisis effectively.

Inside, you’ll discover crucial insights on recognizing warning signs, implementing preventative measures, and leveraging technology—like Lightspeed Alert—to enhance student safety. Join us in fostering a supportive environment where every student feels seen, heard, and valued.

Download the free guide today and take the first step toward making a meaningful difference in your school community.

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