3 Things Districts Will Continue to See Next Year

While the 21-22 school year returned to “normal,” many district leaders acknowledge that it wasn’t a typical school year, even though in-person learning resumed. In addition to the challenges associated with the pandemic, districts also had an influx of cybersecurity attacks, increased needs to support student mental health and well-being, and continued evaluation of student engagement and efficacy. Lightspeed Systems brought together a panel of experts to discuss these trends.

What will I learn?

  • How to mitigate risks of being victim to a cybersecurity attack and strategies that can support student data privacy security
  • How districts are addressing the crisis in student mental health, and how every member of district leadership can play a role in supporting students who may not have been identified as at-risk
  • Why engagement and efficacy play a critical role in understanding where each student is at in their learning, and how it’s being measured