K-12 学区をサイバー攻撃から守る方法

k-12 cyberattacks

Keep your district—and your students—safe from cyberattacks

For years, cyberattacks have been a source of concern for K-12 schools, and studies show, cyberattacks against school districts are rising. This means cybercriminals regularly launch successful attacks that could have been prevented by following the most up-to-date security practices.

Because cybercriminals are targeting K-12 districts with increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks designed to steal data and money, it’s critical that you and your district do everything you can to protect your community. Remember: when it comes to cyberattacks, it’s not a question of if but of when.

So, while there is no such thing as perfect cybersecurity, taking a few simple steps can be the difference between security and stolen data. In this guide, we cover strategies all districts—regardless of size or location—can deploy to help mitigate the risk of cyberattacks.

Download the guide now to learn:

  • The latest methods cybercriminals use and why they target schools
  • Common cyberattacks districts face and what can be done to mitigate the risks
  • Cyberattack prevention steps every district can deploy
  • Software and online resources your district can leverage to protect itself
