
K-12 school CIOs and CTOs must navigate a complex—and growing—landscape of regulations and compliance requirements.

Hours/month of administrator time is spent on compliance
Stati Uniti con normative sulla privacy dei dati
La posizione delle scuole come bersaglio degli attacchi informatici

Growing legislative requirements make compliance more important—and more challenging—than ever.

Compliance is complicated

Education and educational technology are increasingly the focus of federal and state regulations. COVID, the proliferation of technology, increased parental participation in education decisions, the growth of cybersecurity incidents, and concerns about student well-being have made schools the focus of a growing body of legislation schools have to comply with.
And yet, lack of sufficient staffing to handle the hours of weekly work compliance requires means schools need solutions that make compliance simpler.

La non conformità può causare problemi reali per le scuole:

"Lightspeed Insight’s VPAT tagging will help us save time and support compliance with new Colorado legislation. By providing a list of apps with public VPATs, we can more quickly assess their accessibility compliance."​
Circle shaped logo for Colorado Springs D11 school district
Melissa Smead
Instructional Technologist

Come Lightspeed può aiutare

Le nostre soluzioni sono concepite per aiutare i responsabili IT delle scuole a conformarsi facilmente al crescente corpus di leggi e regolamenti. Forniamo la visibilità per evidenziare i rischi, quindi i controlli per bloccarli!

Compliance Student Data Privacy screenshot

Riservatezza dei dati degli studenti

Oltre alle linee guida federali, più di 42 stati hanno normative sulla privacy dei dati degli studenti. È molto da tenere sotto controllo, soprattutto con vari utenti nel distretto che usano app che non sono state nemmeno esaminate.

First, Lightspeed gives you the visibility into what’s in use; then we make it easy to manage privacy compliance, DPAs, assess privacy policy changes, and more! Once you have a view of the privacy status and risks, you can block the app or approve it.

Compliance Accessibility screenshot


Con la crescente digitalizzazione dell'apprendimento, le preoccupazioni relative all'accessibilità si sono spostate oltre gli spazi fisici e ora si concentrano sulla progettazione e sullo sviluppo di siti web, strumenti e tecnologie tali da consentire l'utilizzo da parte di persone con disabilità.

Lightspeed simplifies compliance with accessibility mandates, VPAT requirements, and district accessibility goals with comprehensive insight into all the tools in use, and reports on which ones are and are not accessible. With Lightspeed, you can easily move toward full accessibility compliance with a trend view of progress toward 100% accessibility-certified apps.

Safety-CIPA screenshot


The mental health crisis and increasing school violence trends have led to regulations aimed at increasing school safety and student wellbeing.

Student and campus safety compliance starts with CIPA, expands to your district Acceptable Use and Digital Citizenship policies, and then extends to state and local regulations aimed at being comprehensive and proactive around student safety, online and offline. We can help with all of it.

Compliance Cybersecurity screenshot

Sicurezza informatica

Sicurezza informatica is the top concern for district technology leaders; regulations aim to fortify school networks and counter the growing target on education.

Che le normative provengano da compagnie di assicurazione per la sicurezza informatica, da giurisdizioni locali o dal tuo stesso distretto, Lightspeed può aiutarti a promuovere la conformità con una visione d'insieme sulle app non autorizzate e rischiose e la possibilità di bloccarle.

Compliance Records and Retention screenshot

Documenti e conservazione

Due tendenze principali in materia di registri e conservazione sono l'obbligo per i genitori di avere visibilità sulle app e sui dati e l'obbligo di eliminare i registri degli studenti.

Lightspeed makes it easy to publish up-to-date app lists for parent visibility and shows which apps in use across your district are collecting student data.

Compliance AI screenshot

Conformità AI

L'intelligenza artificiale è l'argomento più attuale nell'ambito dell'edtech e ciò ha portato alla creazione di un crescente corpus di linee guida federali, statali e distrettuali sull'uso appropriato e accettabile dell'intelligenza artificiale nelle scuole.

Lightspeed contribuisce a garantire la conformità a queste linee guida grazie alla possibilità di controllare l'accesso degli studenti e del personale agli strumenti di intelligenza artificiale, di creare report sull'utilizzo dell'intelligenza artificiale e di avere visibilità sull'utilizzo dell'intelligenza artificiale in classe.

La conformità è dura. Noi la rendiamo più facile.

Scoprilo tu stesso con un controllo gratuito dell'app di 30 giorni

L'App Audit include:

We're compliant, to keep you compliant

"I use Lightspeed Filter and Lightspeed Insight in tandem as one of our technical control tools as part of our larger district cybersecurity and compliance strategy. From a data security and privacy perspective, this solution gives me a full picture of device activity and visibility into applications, services, and websites being used so I can act when necessary to block malicious sites."
Antonio Padrino
Direttore della tecnologia, scuole pubbliche di Osseo

We have your state regulations covered

AB 1394 – We help report on and monitor use of AI, as well as alerting upon explicit images

California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act (AB 2273) – We ensure all your tools meet privacy requirements

LCAP – We help you meet requirements, stakeholder engagement, and effective planning to improve student outcomes

HB21-1110 – We report on which of your apps is compliant with the VPAT requirements

SB24-041 – We help meet your student data privacy requirements

House Bill 1467 – We help you meet the accountability and transparency requirements by reporting on apps, sharing public app lists, and blocking non-compliant tools

House Bill 1557 – We make it easy to block unapproved tools

SB 351 – We help you adopt and enforce policies regarding the safe use of social media by students.

Illinois SOPPA – We can help meet the stringent requirements student data privacy, transparency, and parental control.

SB 617 – We provide reporting on all apps in use as well as their accessibility/VPAT status

HB0576 – We can identify cyberbullying so you can proactively address issues. We can also block sites where bullying is rampant.

HB 83 – Our app reporting and public app lists can help you meet the requirements of the Massachusetts data privacy protection act

Chapter 177 of the Acts of 2022 – We can help promote mental health and well-being. 

Ed Law 2D – We report on app student data privacy and make it easy to share a public app list

Senate Bill 3114A – We report on all apps in use, including whether they have a VPAT

Senate Bill 380 – (in committee) We can help identify issues like harassment and cyberbullying

SB29 – Our public app list meets the requirement to report on apps in use. Our Parent Portal meets (changing) requirements for parent notification.

Safe to Learn Act – We help enhance student safety by identifying threats such as bullying, harassment, physical violence, and suicide, and promoting collaborative response to incidents

SB 82 (Andi’s Act) – We can help meet the requirements around suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention

SCOPE Act (HB 18) – We can help with safety requirements, student data privacy, and parental empowerment

SB 1893 – We make it easy to report on and block access to TikTok and other prohibited apps