This Competing School Filter Blocks Only 40 Percent of Pornographic Websites

Competing filter only blocks 40 percent mac laptop on chair featured

There’s been some disparaging content about “URL-based filtering” lately – suggesting that it isn’t able to effectively block without over-blocking. At Lightspeed Systems, we understand that while educational content shouldn’t be over-blocked, adult content shouldn’t be under-blocked, either. Schools need to maintain that fine balance – and Lightspeed Systems has built the technology that delivers the balance schools need.

Calling the technology that powers Lightspeed Systems Relay and Rocket Web Filter “URL-based filtering” is like calling Google “URL-based search.”

Sure, our solutions categorize domains. They do so based on advanced AI technology; proprietary algorithms; an army of robot crawlers; human reviewers; and deep insight into each site’s content, images, metatags, history, and more. (All this information about our categorizations is publicly available at

Effective filtering certainly requires more than a static URL list. It also requires more than real-time AI. That’s why we combine our advanced AI and database technology to provide the best filtering available.

We recently tested another Chromebook filter and found that it blocked only 40% of the pornographic websites we tested! We know that isn’t acceptable to our customers.

Lightspeed Systems is the most effective filter at keeping schools CIPA compliant, protecting students, and empowering IT and teachers to do more with technology.

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