Lightspeed Systems Kate McDermott

Senior Manager of Product Management

About Kate McDermott

Kate builds vision into reality. By actively listening to district and school-level staff, she focuses on how to improve products to enable K12 teams to use data and insights to inform decision-making. Kate leads product management for Lightspeed Digital Insight and digital equity products.

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Data analyst working on business analytics dashboard with charts, metrics and KPI to analyze performance and create insight reports for operations management.
  • Blog Post

3 Ways to Maximize Teacher Success with Lightspeed Digital Insight: The Future of Professional Development

Professional development is the backbone of effective teaching, providing educators with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to thrive.

A cropped screenshot from digital insight showing the role-based access screen and how to create roles
  • Blog Post

Introducing Role-Based Access: Customizing Your EdTech Analytics

We know districts need data to make informed decisions about their edtech ecosystem, from app renewals and approvals to professional development and school site support.

  • Blog Post

Get Prepared for the FCC’s $200 Million Cybersecurity Pilot Program Today

In June 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program which will provide up to $200 million over a three-year period to…

Lightspeed Digital Insight stacked logo on white background
  • Blog Post

3 District Hacks to Enhance Security, Simplify App Approvals, and Cut Costs with EdTech Analytics

Districts face increasing challenges managing their technology effectively while ensuring data privacy and optimizing costs.

Wifi symbol above device
  • Blog Post

Breaking Down Barriers: FCC Opens Doors with E-Rate Wi-Fi Hotspots

In a world where being connected matters, the FCC just handed students a powerful tool.

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Rightsizing School Technology: Throwing Out Rogue, Risky, and Redundant EdTech Apps

District IT leaders face an ongoing challenge: managing their ever-expanding tech stack.