Bullying Prevention: A Q&A Session with UGLI Foundation

Brian Thomas, CEO of Lightspeed Systems, meets with Angela Garcia, Founder of UGLI Foundation for a Q&A about Bullying Prevention

In honor of Bullying Prevention Month, we’re thrilled to sit down with two leaders whose organizations are making a real difference in the lives of students. Brian Thomas, CEO of Lightspeed Systems, and Angela Garcia, Founder of the UGLI Foundation, met through their shared work in Austin’s nonprofit and tech community, both focused on improving the well-being of kids. Today, Lightspeed and UGLI are partners, united in the fight against bullying and empowering students to thrive in a safer world.

Q: How did you two first connect, and what inspired this partnership?

Angela: Brian and I first crossed paths at a local event in Austin, where organizations came together to talk about kids’ mental health and the challenges they face today. I was immediately struck by the work Lightspeed was doing. They weren’t just a tech company—they cared deeply about protecting students. That aligned perfectly with the mission of UGLI, which is all about helping kids overcome bullying, build self-esteem, and learn to love who they are.

Brian: It was one of those instant connections. We both saw that while our organizations were coming from different angles—UGLI focusing on self-worth and anti-bullying, and Lightspeed focusing on online safety and mental health monitoring—we were actually tackling the same problem: protecting kids. It made perfect sense to join forces and amplify our impact.

Q: Why is bullying prevention such a core part of both Lightspeed and UGLI’s missions?

Brian: For Lightspeed, student safety is at the heart of everything we do. With the rise of technology in schools, kids are exposed to a lot of risks online, including cyberbullying. We know that bullying, especially in the digital age, can have devastating effects on a child’s mental health. We created Lightspeed Alert to monitor for signs of bullying, self-harm, and other online behaviors that could signal a child in crisis. The sooner we identify it, the faster we can intervene and hopefully save a life.

Angela: Bullying prevention is the core of UGLI. We want kids to know their value and feel empowered to stand up for themselves and others. So much of the bullying we see today happens online. We teach kids how to build their self-esteem, so they’re not as vulnerable to bullies, but it’s also about equipping the adults—parents, educators, even tech companies—to take action. That’s why working with Lightspeed is such a powerful fit. They’re able to detect when something’s wrong before it escalates.

Q: How do your organizations work together to address bullying?

Angela: The partnership is really about merging our strengths. UGLI works directly with kids, families, and schools, running workshops and creating content that empowers students. Lightspeed’s technology comes in to protect them in those online spaces where bullying often happens. Together, we’re creating a safer environment for students both online and offline.

Brian: Exactly. UGLI brings the human element—helping kids understand their worth and giving them the tools to deal with bullying. We support that with technology by identifying harmful online behavior in real time. Our safety specialists are trained to look for indicators of bullying or distress and alert schools so they can step in. It’s that combination of emotional empowerment and tech-based intervention that makes this partnership so effective.

Q: October is Bullying Prevention Month. What message do you want to send to students, parents, and educators?

Angela: My message is simple: You are not alone. Whether you’re a student facing bullying or a parent trying to support your child, there are people and resources ready to help. At UGLI, we believe that every kid deserves to feel safe and valued, and with the right support, we can stop bullying in its tracks.

Brian: I’d echo that. And I’d add that it takes a village. Students, parents, educators, and tech providers—we all have a role to play in keeping kids safe. Bullying prevention isn’t just about responding to incidents, it’s about creating an environment where bullying doesn’t happen in the first place. That’s why Lightspeed and UGLI are so focused on awareness, education, and early intervention.

Q: What’s next for the Lightspeed-UGLI partnership?

Brian: We’re looking to expand our efforts—reaching more schools and providing more resources for educators and parents to address bullying before it becomes a crisis. The technology is there to help, but it’s the people who will make the biggest difference. We want to keep growing this community of people who are passionate about protecting kids.

Angela: We’re excited to continue building on this partnership. This is only the beginning. Together, we can change the narrative around bullying and empower kids to be proud of who they are. I’m incredibly optimistic about what we can achieve together.

As we celebrate Bullying Prevention Month, let’s remember that every action—whether it’s through technology, education, or simply listening—makes a difference. Thanks to the partnership between Lightspeed Systems and the UGLI Foundation, we’re one step closer to creating a safer world for every student.

Learn more about how Lightspeed Alert helps schools identify and combat bullying here.

Learn more about UGLI Foundation’s work to end bullying forever here.

Through our partnership, Texas schools can get fast tracked to a grant to start an Anti-Bullying Club just by filling out this form.