
Remote filtering not going away featured

The Need for Effective Web Filtering Isn’t Going Away

K-12 web filtering for schools became a growing priority for schools as they closed and switched to remote learning last spring, but there were issues.

Cost savings gif

Online Learning’s Impact on K-12 Students’ Mental Health

When schools turned to online learning options during the COVID-19 pandemic, educators, psychologists, and experts in student health and wellness began to express concern that the lack of…

YouTube safety gif

Early Detection and Implementing an Alert System for Your District

The data paints a startling picture:

Lightspeed Systems: Better Than GoGuardian!

The integrated Lightspeed Solutions Suite supports all operating systems—perfect for any district with single or multiple OS types. Learn more how Lightspeed and GoGuardian compare.

Evaluating K12 apps featured

How to Make Remote Learning Easier, Less Stressful, and Less Risky

As students return to the classroom this fall – either virtually or in a hybrid environment combining in-person and remote learning — teachers and administrators have grappled with the…

Cyberbullying technology featured

Why Shawnee Mission Schools Chose Lightspeed Systems For Virtual Learning

Like many districts and schools this summer, Kansas-based Shawnee Mission School District is making back to school plans and gearing up for the possibility of continued virtual learning.

Three More Reasons to Turn on Lightspeed Alert™ School Safety Monitoring

If you’re using Lightspeed Filter™, you already have Lightspeed Alert – a complete student monitoring platform that can help increase your school safety!

student at home studying on iPad

Three More Reasons to Turn on Lightspeed Alert™ School Safety Monitoring

If you’re using Lightspeed Filter™, you already have Lightspeed Alert for K-12– a complete student monitoring platform that can help increase your school safety!

students in classroom doing work

Student Safety and Mental Health During Coronavirus