Closing the Homework Gap: Confronting the Digital Divide in Education with Data-Driven Solutions
The digital divide in education refers to unequal access to technology and digital resources for learning. Disparities in digital access, also referred to in terms of digital equity, have long…
Introducing the Digital Equity module, powered by Lightspeed Digital Insight
I joined Lightspeed Systems last year, inspired by the opportunity to help districts create a safe and secure learning environment at a time when technological advancement was, and still is,…
The Best of Cloud, Agent, and Inline Filtering—All in One
In today’s digital age, students can access a wealth of information on the internet, including harmful and inappropriate content.
Introducing Real-Time User Activity Reporting
As an IT admin, keeping track of your organization’s web activity can be a daunting task, especially when trying to troubleshoot issues or test policy updates.
Evaluating K-12 School District Apps for Budget Planning
As school budget planning for the 2023-24 school year is underway, IT and curriculum leaders are evaluating their district’s current school apps and resources to determine which apps to keep…
3 Tactics for Effective Student Data Privacy Protection
After the widespread technology boom in education, district leaders and teachers are inundated with a seemingly infinite number of applications for digital learning.
6 Ways To Manage Social Media and Streaming Platforms Your Way
Get the flexibility your district needs to manage social media and streaming platforms with Lightspeed Filter ™, making them a safe and reliable resource for learning and instruction.
5 Commonly Asked Questions Lightspeed Digital Insight Can Answer Within Minutes
Lightspeed Digital Insight
Can’t Hire Enough Mental Health Staff? Get Help with Edtech
With soaring rates of mental health challenges among children and teens, leading pediatric health experts have declared a national emergency in child and adolescent mental health.