
K-12 public school CIOs and CTOs must navigate a complex—and growing—landscape of regulations and compliance requirements.

hours/month Administrator's time spent on compliance


US states with data privacy regulations


Position of schools as a target for cyberattacks

Growing legislative requirements make compliance more important—and more challenging—than ever:

Education and educational technology are increasingly the focus of federal and state regulations. COVID, the proliferation of technology, increased parental participation in education decisions, the growth of cybersecurity incidents, and concerns about student well-being – these have all made schools the focus of a growing body of legislation schools have to comply with.
And yet, lack of sufficient staffing to handle the hours of weekly work compliance requires means school need solutions that make compliance simpler.
Non-compliance can cause real issues for schools:
  • Fines. Many regulations come with financial penalties for non-compliance.
  • Loss of funding. Notably, critical E-Rate funding can be on the line.
  • Security incidents. Many regulations are there for a reason, and non-compliance can create security risk.
  • Bad publicity. Schools want to be in the news for great outcomes, not for failing to follow regulations.

Compliance Made Easier

Lightspeed Digital Insight’s VPAT tagging will help us save time and support compliance with new Colorado legislation. By providing a list of apps with public VPATs, we can more quickly assess their accessibility compliance.

Melissa SmeadInstructional Technology and Library Services, Colorado Springs School District 11

How Lightspeed Can Help

Our solutions are built to help school IT leaders easily comply with growing body of legislation and regulations. We provide the visibility to highlight risks, then the controls to lock them down!

Compliance Student Data Privacy screenshot

In addition to federal guidelines, more than 42 states have student data privacy regulations. It’s a lot to stay on top of, especially with various users across the district using apps that haven’t even been vetted.

First Lightspeed gives you the visibility into what’s in use; then we make it easy to manage privacy compliance, DPAs, assess privacy policy changes, and more! Once you have a view of the privacy status and risks, you can block the app or approve it.

As learning has become more and more digitized, accessibility concerns have moved beyond physical spaces and are now focused on ensuring websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them.

Lightspeed simplifies compliance with accessibility mandates, VPAT requirements, and district accessibility goals with comprehensive insight into all the tools in use, and reports on which one are and are not accessible. With Lightspeed, you can easily move toward full accessibility compliance with a trend view of progress toward 100% accessibility-certified apps.

Compliance Accessibility screenshot
Safety-CIPA screenshot

The mental health crisis and increasing school violence have led to regulations aimed at increasing school safety and student wellbeing.

Student and campus safety compliance starts with CIPA, expands to your district Acceptable Use and Digital Citizenship policies, and then extends to state and local regulations aimed at being comprehensive and proactive around student safety, online and offline. We can help with all of it.

Cybersecurity is the top concern for district technology leaders, and regulations aim to fortify school networks and counter the growing target on education.

Whether the regulations come from cybersecurity insurance companies, local jurisdictions, or your own district, Lightspeed can help drive compliance with a view into rogue and risky apps—and the ability to block them.

Compliance Cybersecurity screenshot
Compliance Records and Retention screenshot

Two primary trends around records and retention are a requirement for parents to have visibility into apps and data, and requirements around deletion of student records.

Lightspeed makes it easy to publish up-to-date app lists for parent visibility, and shows which apps in use across your district are collecting student data.

AI is the hottest topic in edtech, and that has led to a growing body of federal, state, and district guidance on appropriate and acceptable use of AI within schools.

Lightspeed helps ensure compliance with these guidelines with the ability to control what access students and staff have to AI tools; reporting on AI use; and visibility into classroom use of AI.

Compliance AI screenshot

Compliance is hard. We make it easier.

See for yourself with a free 30-day App Audit

App Audit includes:

  • Comprehensive review of apps in use over 30 days
  • Report on top apps with data privacy risks (SDPC-aligned)
  • Review of apps without accessibility/VPAT compliance
  • Analysis of redundant/unused apps for cost savings
SOC2 Type 2
1EdTech TrustEd Apps Pledge Endorsed
COPPA compliance logo
Student Privacy Pledge badge
FERPA logo

Learn more about our Compliance products

Lightspeed Digital Insight™

The comprehensive visibility and app insights you need to ensure data privacy compliance, accessibility compliance, and more.

Lightspeed Filter™

Beyond CIPA compliance, our Filter ensures the right level of control and appropriate use, as well as allowing parent visibility through the Parent Portal.

Lightspeed Alert™

Increase campus safety and student wellbeing with proactive identification of students in crisis.

I use Lightspeed Filter and Digital Insight in tandem as one of our technical control tools as part of our larger district cybersecurity and compliance strategy. From a data security and privacy perspective, this solution gives me a full picture of device activity and visibility into applications, services, and websites being used so I can act when necessary to block malicious sites.

Anthony PadrnosDirector Of Technology, Osseo Public Schools