E-Safety for UK Schools

Get all the tools you need to ensure e-safety compliance on all of your devices.

Stay safe across all platforms

From Ofsted to Prevent Duty, there are a number of different guidelines and regulations that schools and colleges in the UK need to follow to ensure they have the best e-safety available while providing their students with the best resources for online learning.

e-safety prevent duty

إرشادات منع الواجب

In 2015, the Home Office released the Prevent Duty Guidance: for England and Wales wherein schools and colleges are required to protect children from the risk of radicalisation when accessing the Internet. Find out how Lightspeed Systems® can help ensure your school adheres with the guidance with فلتر لايت سبيد™ and تنبيه سرعة الضوء™.

مؤسسة مراقبة الإنترنت (IWF)

The IWF works tirelessly to make the Internet a safer place by identifying and removing online images of child sexual abuse worldwide. Find out how, as a proud member, Lightspeed works with IWF to ensure schools have the maximum protection against this harmful content.

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Ofsted E-Safety

With the growing importance of technology in education, e-safety is becoming a much bigger area of Ofsted’s inspections. Lightspeed Filter and Lightspeed Alert are the perfect solutions for schools to ensure they are using technology appropriately and safely.

الحفاظ على سلامة الأطفال في التعليم (KCSIE)

The Department for Education’s revised statutory guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education, helps schools and colleges across England understand the correct e-safety measures that need to be taken when their students are using the Internet. Lightspeed Systems education-focused solutions do just that with tools for admins, teachers and students that enable safe 21st century learning.

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Be confident that your school meets all the required e-safety criteria