The #1 Way to Reduce K-12 IT Support Tickets

K-12 IT teams juggle an overwhelming array of responsibilities—keeping devices running, ensuring secure access, maintaining network reliability, and responding to app outages. Yet, they often lack the real-time insights needed to manage these tasks effectively. Without centralized visibility, IT teams rely on user reports to uncover problems, leading to delayed responses and inefficiencies.

Disconnected Systems Create Bottlenecks

When surveying IT leaders, the Lightspeed product team identified persistent challenges that hinder operational efficiency, increase spending, and disrupt the learning environment, including:

  • Tracking unused or misplaced devices is inefficient. Districts invest heavily in hardware, yet IT teams struggle to determine which devices are in use, which are inactive, and whether they are assigned to the right users.
  • App outages disrupt learning and overwhelm IT teams. When an educational app goes down, teachers and students immediately feel the impact, but IT teams are often the last to know.

“When Canvas goes down, the IT teams chat blows up, and we waste time figuring out it’s not an isolated incident. If we could automate notifications for app outages and recovery, we’d eliminate unnecessary chatter. Also, time is our currency in IT. If we can save IT teams or teachers time, we’ve added real value”

  • Security risks go unnoticed. Unauthorized device access, VPN usage, and unexpected logins from outside district locations create potential vulnerabilities. Without detailed reporting, IT teams lack the ability to flag and mitigate these risks before they become threats.
  • Connectivity gaps remain hidden. Schools rely on stable internet access to support learning, but IT teams struggle to pinpoint which campuses, networks, or students are experiencing problems.

“There are times Google says everything is fine, but when I dig deeper, I find out there’s an issue they haven’t reported. Some apps maintain a status page, but what do we do for apps that don’t?”

Lightspeed Signal: Unifying IT Insights

إشارة سرعة الضوء is the first solution designed specifically to deliver the comprehensive IT visibility districts need by consolidating device, app, and internet health data into a single platform. With Lightspeed Signal, IT teams can:

  • Detect security threats before they escalate by identifying non-rostered access, VPN usage, and unexpected device locations.
  • Optimize device inventory by tracking active use, reducing wasted resources, and making informed refresh decisions.
  • Respond to app outages faster with automated alerts, real-time impact analysis, and targeted communication to affected users.
  • Pinpoint network issues with district-specific data to enhance connectivity for students and staff, whether on campus or at home.

Instead of waiting for issues to arise, IT teams can now anticipate and resolve them proactively—reducing downtime, increasing efficiency, and maximizing the value of their technology investments.

Ready to see how Lightspeed Signal can transform your IT operations? Schedule a demo today.