Introducing AI Notify: Enhancing Classroom Management with Real-Time AI Monitoring

AI district adoption is increasingly becoming a higher priority for IT leaders. According to COSN’s State of EdTech District Leadership report, IT leaders ranked artificial intelligence (AI) as one of their newest key priorities, “highlighting the impact of this new technology and the need for direction that it presents for districts.”

With AI fast becoming part of everyday teaching and learning, Lightspeed Classroom Management’s new AI Notify tool – the first AI usage helper for teachers – empowers teachers with real-time visibility of student AI activity to help introduce and manage AI in the classroom.

AI Visibility: A Need for All Districts

Regardless of whether districts are allowing or restricting AI, these tools are making their way into classrooms. Districts wary of AI may have concerns about misuse and ensuring AI is a constructive aid to learning rather than a shortcut for assignments or a source of academic dishonesty.

In our recent customer survey to IT leaders, 70% of respondents cited “visibility of usage” as a top factor for integrating AI into teaching and learning. This first step is crucial to leveraging AI effectively in education, and districts can leverage AI Notify to start moving in that direction.

In districts where AI is encouraged, visibility of AI usage enables educators to integrate AI tools more effectively into their curricula, giving teachers real-time notice of when students access AI-related websites and allowing them to intervene when necessary.

Consider a teacher who advocates for AI as a feedback tool rather than a shortcut for writing assignments. AI Notify provides her with the necessary oversight to ensure students use AI for constructive feedback and suggestions, helping them improve their work through AI-assisted editing. A proactive approach ensures AI supports student learning without compromising academic integrity or focus.

Real-Time AI Monitoring and Management

Teachers love our new AI Notify tool because it helps them:

  • Monitor AI Usage: Teachers receive immediate alerts when students visit AI-related websites, offering complete visibility into AI interactions.
  • Enhance Teaching & Learning: With real-time data, educators can guide students in using AI tools appropriately, ensuring these technologies contribute positively to their learning experiences.
  • Manage Inappropriate Use: The tool enables teachers to close inappropriate tabs, limit web access, send announcements, or even record screens, allowing for swift action against misuse.
  • Assess AI Effectiveness: Teachers can evaluate how AI tools impact learning outcomes, address equity issues, and refine instructional strategies based on these insights.


Districts need to make informed decisions about AI use to enhance learning. Whether your district is cautious about AI or fully embraces it, AI Notify provides the tools necessary to navigate this new educational landscape with confidence. Learn more by scheduling a Lightspeed Classroom Management demo today.