Lightspeed Learning Lab – Edtech Best Practices for a Smooth Return to School

You’re working tirelessly to ensure a smooth transition back-to-school and your edtech ecosystem plays a big role. Make sure your tech stack is set up to support fundamentals such as student data privacy, emerging challenges like AI policy-making, and ongoing critical mental health and safety concerns.

Lightspeed Learning Lab is a series of five 30-minute interactive sessions that cover the Lightspeed best practices you’ll need to set your team up for success this school year. Sessions will showcase techniques from Lightspeed Systems experts and include time for Q&A.

30-Minute Session Topics Include:

  • Ready, Set, Go! Enabling Teachers to Manage Digital Learning in the Classroom
  • Preparing for Safe and Secure Learning in a New Digital Landscape: Lightspeed Filter™ Best Practices
  • Ensuring the Safe and Effective Use of AI apps
  • Creating a Safe and Caring Environment this School Year
  • Maximizing the Value, Security, and Effectiveness of Your EdTech Ecosystem

Who Should Attend? IT Leaders & Decision Makers, Digital Learning and Instructional Technologists, IT Admins, Network Admins, IT Security, IT Infrastructure roles, School Counselors, Safety leaders, and SROs.